The software VISY-Monitor offers the following features:
the representation of all relevant tank data, the possibility of automatic calibration of tanks, an optimal shrinkage rate control and recording of history data.

FAFNIR Overfill Prevention Sensor GWG now available for ethanol blending.
The FAFNIR Overfill Prevention Sensor GWG Type 83 UV, UVT Type 84, Type 81-D Ex may now be used as part of an overfill prevention system in the storage tanks with ethanol blends up to E85.

The overfill prevention and continuous filling level indicator in one.
FAFNIR GmbH in Hamburg has developed with the Field Display UM-X a product, that can do both: continuously display of liquid level and protect against overfilling.
So that the company responds to increased demand for a "stand alone" instrument for process and storage tanks. FAFNIR GmbH develops and produces in Hamburg for over 40 years, filling level sensors, overfill prevention devices, limit signal controls and continuous level measurement for liquids of all kinds. The close and trusting cooperation with customers is…

SEPARIX: The new dimension of the separator alarm systems.
SEPARIX, the alarm system for light liquid made by FAFNIR warns operator of separator twice: once before reaching the maximum layer thickness and again before the dangerous confine the liquid level in the separator.